My Dear Friend,
If you are reading this, then you are either diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy or have a family member that is...
I understand that this diagnosis may be new or may have been present for many years. The truth is you are looking for options and you have found The Gibson Method.
Well, this is the most unique treatment framework ever utilized for peripheral neuropathy. It is truly Patient Directed Care or is a process dependent on you...
Although this framework CAN work for anyone...
It is MOST successful for someone who...
If these traits don't describe you, then stop reading now, because you have a high chance of failure... even utilizing The Gibson Method.
However, if these do describe you or you are committed to implement them now then...
Or at least, I can start the process of you helping yourself...
Does this sound valuable to you?
What if I told you that you also get:
A specialized training to give you foundational knowledge about peripheral neuropathy. This is an important first step to you having the necessary understanding to truly take control of your peripheral neuropathy.
Although The Gibson Method is usually very effective, we have learned another important step to improve the probability of success: The Neuropathy Foundation.
Without creation of a stable health foundation, many of the management and treatment options are less effective. Through a specialized training and workbook, you will be able to create the necessary foundation of health!
Approximately 10 years ago, The Neuropathy Score was created and utilized by Dr Gibson to evaluate the severity of peripheral neuropathy in his patients. It has become an invaluable evaluation tool.
But over the last several years it has progressed to become a valuable assessment tool now utilized by patients! For you this can be the key piece to help you understand your peripheral neuropathy and the expected speed of management and treatment. Since peripheral neuropathy is completely unique to each individual, you will need this tool to understand your peripheral neuropathy!
New in 2023, the Neuropathy Archetype was created to provide the ability for you to describe the 100% unique aspects of your peripheral neuropathy. Remember: Every presentation of peripheral neuropathy is completely unique. There is nobody just like you!
Utilize this valuable assessment tool to create a single sentence that perfectly describes your peripheral neuropathy. Even your doctor will better understand your peripheral neuropathy if you share!
In sports you utilize a playbook to accomplish your goals with every teammate working together. In peripheral neuropathy, the management process is simplified by creating a management playbook. Through this playbook you will both know what symptoms you can manage, but also what treatment methods can and should be utilized for both.
Don't underestimate the valuable resource this playbook can be in going forward as you learn the best ways to daily manage your symptoms or even what to do for breakthrough pains.
When it comes to peripheral neuropathy, there are more than 150+ causes. That being said, finding the cause is not just valuable, but imperative if you hope to Control The Nerve Damage! Over the years time and money (hundreds of hours and tens of thousands of dollars) were necessary to truly test all possible causes. For this reason, idiopathic peripheral neuropathy became a diagnosis.
Since that time, Dr Gibson has utilized his experience with thousands of patients to create Neuropathy Diagnostic Classes. Through this classification process, the causes have been simplified to 25 distinct classes of which you will usually have more than one. The diagnostic class will influence specific treatment options to stop additional nerve damage!
Utilizing the Neuropathy Diagnostic Classes, a carefully constructed blueprint is built. This blueprint will provide the necessary steps to both prevent and treat nerve damage. As you prevent further nerve damage, the management process will be more effective and peripheral neuropathy will ultimately cause less ow utilized by patients! For you this can be the key piece to help distraction, discomfort and disability. Are you ready to take your life back?
With all the steps in place, your Personal Peripheral Neuropathy Roadmap compiles all the information from the other steps into a lifelong road map, managed by you to truly Thrive With Peripheral Neuropathy. Through this roadmap, you will finally be able to live the extraordinary life you were born to live.
Jump into the Neuropathy Nation today and start taking the necessary steps to understand, manage and control your peripheral neuropathy!
But there's more...
And in addition...
The truth is, you get so much more... You Even Get Your Life Back!
If this is something you are interested in, click the button below!
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